
Preschool sessions are conducted
Monday – Friday:

AM Session:
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

PM Session:
12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
(Kindergarten Prep Class)

Daily Arrival

  • Children may arrive for their scheduled class no earlier than 10 minutes. An adult is required to walk the child into the center.

  • Each child will be signed in by the adult bringing them.

  • Every child will wash his or her hands before beginning class.

  • Backpacks, coats, etc. will be hung up in the entry area.

  • Parents, grandparents, friends, or family are welcome any day to stay and join the class or come in at any time during the class to help or observe.

Daily Dismissal

  • Adults picking children up will help collect their child’s personal items and papers and then sign the child out.

  • If someone other than the child’s parent is picking them up, a call or written note from the parent is necessary to allow the child to be released.

  • There will be a $10 late fee for pickup times later than 10 minutes after the class dismissal time.

    After being 15 minutes late, the parent would be called and, if not available, the next person on the emergency list would be contacted until someone is able to pick up the child.

Keep their growing minds engaged

Contact us to schedule a tour or if you have any questions!